A Thousand Layers of Stomach

Inspired by the intricate patterns found on the shell of the ancient Asari clam, A Thousand Layers of Stomach is an abstract work by A.A. Murakami, that explores the intersection of nature and technology through a creative code that replicates the natural processes of Asari clam shell formation. An on-site custom knitting machine translates the artist-generated code to produce expansive textile wall pieces that capture the evolutionary beauty of the clam’s mesmerizing array of abstract shell patterns.

Accompanying the installation is a film shot in the mudflats of the Pearl River Delta and the wet markets of Hong Kong, offering a visceral, transcendent exploration of the primordial connection between humanity and the sea. A Thousand Layers of Stomach poses questions about existence, the origins of life, and explores whether mathematics is an intrinsic part of nature or a human construct.

The artists have plans to tour the work to different museums around the world where the knitting machine will continue to grow the textile, based on the evolving generative pattern.
More information: info@trameparis.com